Nonetheless, a couple of years after that, I purchased my first digital camera. A Canon Powershot S50. It is a utility camera which is at the higher end of the point and shoot family. The standard features notwithstanding, it does very well in daylight photographs. Additionally, the freedom that a digital camera gives in taking a large number of photographs, dismissing those that aren't upto the mark and seeing your results instantaneously is priceless.
One of the things that fascinate me is the 'stitch' mode photos. You can take a series of photos, that can be stitched together to get a panomaric effect. Be warned that I am pretty ordinary photographer (I have seen the work of fellow bloggers like Aparna and Deepak and it is really good), but the photos might interest you.
1. Whistler mountain, Canada
This was my first attempt at using the stich mode and the result is an undirected mess. There is no specific feature of the area I am looking at besides it being part of the mountain range.

2. Lake Chelan - Columbia River
This one is much better and is a striking view of a river flowing on the left and a an independent lake on the right. This would not have been possible with an ordinary camera. The shame is that the 360 degree view from where this photograph was taken was so breathtaking that this area of capture is but a small part of the story

3. Mount Rainier
Fresh from the press. Two days old. Drove to Rainier on a picture perfect day and got a perfect picture. Notice the solitary cloud right in the centre. Produces a terrific effect. This mountain is one of the reasons I like the Northwest so much.

oh, thank you! i would like to believe i am an average photographer. HK, like India is such an interesting place that whatever you take comes out good. :-)
But i like these pics. Especially Mount Rainier. I wasn't aware of this 'stich' mode photography! I have a Canon ixus i, a very basic but good digi cam. I bought it for the way it looked :P
Intend to buy a good digicam, with zoom etc.
I've thought of this b4 also...your photos kinda resemble postcard pics, with the composition and colour hues etc...
The last one was beautiful...a frnd of mine is an amatuer photgrpaher and he once sent me a 'stich' mode photo that stole my breath away...lemme see if I can find it and send it to you...
Aparna, IXUS = Powershot. IXUS outside America, Powershot within America. But same bunch of cameras!
Oh how I miss being able to see the mountain from the city on a clear day. No matter how hard I tried to capture it in a picture, I couldn't do it :-( (But back then I had a 2MP opposed to the Canon Powershot I have now...)
Mount Rainier picture is very nice. And as you say the effect of the tiny bit of clound is great.
Beautiful,and can u guess what my request would be:)
lovely pics :)yes they look like postcard pics
Louly! Sorry, but the last pic made me want to yell, "Clouds, clouds, I want clouds" (a la Leo DiCaprio in Aviator)
Its always a feel good when I see panoromic view of the world :) great pics taken man wish u all the very best.
Also for your knowledge India's first community website for panoromic photography has been started at
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