Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hitting the Bottom Rock

For those who religiously do visit this site, this post is for you. I have been playing truant with posting anything on the blog for the past couple of months. "Believe you me", as one cricket commentator (oh, someone please remind me who that was) used to put it, I have tried to think of things to write.

There's the lack of inspiration, the drying up of topics and arguments, passions and peeves, lost loves and love's lost. And then there's the plinth below the edifice of attempts. Boredom. It has sunk in and is refusing to go. It has come in the most irresistible and inexplicable ways. It is as if I woke up one day and decided: Enough of blogging for me. It has spread and how. I have even stopped visiting the blogs that I have frequented with unfailing regularity for a couple of years now.

It does not make sense, and I am hoping it is a temporary thing. The words will start flowing again, and the break in time-space continuum will be restored. Until further notice, the blog is suspended. Hopefully, you'll visit back when I do start writing again. Till then, take care, keep blogging.


RS said...

Just a comment Hoping you find inspiration soon and the words start flowing again :)

aparna said...

Hope that this is temporary and you are back soon :-)

take care

Extempore said...

I truly hope this goes away really soon! Too many regular reads losing enthusiasm for blogging! Hurry back!

Stone said...

Its always a pleasure to visit this place, and I'll keep an eye on when u start again :-)
enjoy the break!!!!

Anonymous said...

Argh! the last thing I'd hoped to see on this blog. Neways, have a fine hiatus! and hope the inspiration returns from its vacation soon :-).

G Shrivastava said...

Here's wishing you a grand sabbatical - I refuse to say certain you will return...:-)
See you soon back in blogger land!

RadioActive Ray said...

Parth, What's your email address? Pl. email me back at radioactiveray AT gmail

Archana Ramesh said...

what a temporary thing! come back soon...

E said...

great blog! i miss india so much that i keep reading indian blogger... check mine:

This blog was exclusively about my Erasmus in India. In other words, me, my indian jaan and my impressions during my exchange program in this amazing country.

feel free to add my blog to your link list!! wud be great. tks

Maha said...

Hi Parth...everyone faces such a chillax big time and do come by once you are all set...blogging should never be a compulsion...but just pure pleasure writing of own when pleasure strikes you again, do come and scribble here...will miss ya...Ciao!

Anonymous said...

felt the crushing futility of my days too often to knock this feeling, you know, but i remind myself of mahatma gandhi's words,
"everything we do might be insignificant,
but it's very important that we must do it."
or something like that.