I have been busy using my spare time to compose and conduct a big, bad Bollywood quiz at the end of this month. I have written before about the quiz club that I am a part off. Our quiz club is collaborating with Ekal Vidyalaya, an NGO, to host this quiz in Seattle on the 27th of March. I get to set the quiz (which is something I love) and the NGO benefits from it (which is something they'll love)
The scale is big and we expect people in the droves, which also means that the it needs time and energy to set up something that will be high on quality and also high on public appeal. The subject however combines two of my passions: quizzing and Hindi music and movies; so the pressure is a welcome challenge.
If you are in and around Seattle, please do attend (and please register on this site before that).
Come support a good cause.
Come support the QuizMaster :)
I can definitely spread the word around in Seattle. The idea is gr8! All the best! :)
@Sparsh: Thanks for the help!
Sounds like a good way to raise money AND have fun! :) Wonderful.
@Mystic Rose: I am hoping others agree with your conclusion :)
Sent it to folks I know in Seattle. This is awesome. On a lighter note, Can I pose questions to the quiz master? Where was Shimit Amin born or what is Farhan Akhtar's wife's name and profession, answer without googling, no peeking..:)
@Pallavi: Golden rule of quizzing - never question the quizmaster! :)
Well, Shimit Amin was born in Uganda. I read that in his interview. Not sure about Farhan Akhtar's wife.
Farhan Akhtar's wife is Adhuna Akhtar - she's a hair-stylist!! Yay!
@Radha: Catch the flight to Seattle for the 27th of March, will you? :)
Would've loved to!!
My bollywood trivia GK has nose-dived since I moved to Singapore though!
Sending you good thoughts and best wishes from the opposite end of the coast!
@Radha: I desisted from giving a big bhashaan on the questions themselves though. Real quizzing focuses not so much on knowledge of trivia, but work-outability. So eventually its not so much about where Shimit Amin was born, but a question that talks about his birth in Uganda mixed with some other clues about the work he has done should lead to him as the answer. I'll send you the questions once the quiz is over.
@Vi: Thank you so much!
Apt title for a bollywood quiz! Most people I know in Seattle work for MSFT and may already know about this :). Good luck!
Perhaps you can post the questions online, after you are done with the event?
@Niranjan: Thanks for the wishes. Do drop in a line to "convince" your MSFT friends to come; a personal recommendation. I'll have it online once it is done.
I don't have your e-mail, so I'm leaving a comment here to alert you of my 'new' blog - I hope to begin posting in this place regularly, either with photography or text (thus far, only photography).
Vidya (vivalavi)
@Vidya: Great to see you back online. Going over to your blog right now.
Great job yesterday! Sad my partner and I could not make it to the finals, but questions in pre-lims interested us enough to hang around and be audience. Very well done, the entire show and great MC'ing. Will look forward to more such.
@Sunny: Thanks for participating in the quiz and for the kind feedback. I am glad you enjoyed it. That really is the end goal. There will of course be winners in the quiz, but I wanted the audience to be engaged right till the end. I got the impression that they were. There will certainly be more events of this nature going forward. Hope to see you there.
Hi parth..landed here on a friend's recommendation as i recently moved to Seattle :-)
She said you hold a quiz club, i would be very much interested in joining it as i consider myself a cine-phile :-)
Details do bhai :-)
@OM: We have a quiz club alternately called "Microsoft Redmond Quiz Club" or "Seattle Area Quizzers" (you don't have to be a Microsoft employee to participate). We meet once every two weeks on Microsoft campus and quizzers take turns in setting quizzes. Point to note is that while this post refers to a film quiz I held, our quizzes are about everything, not just films. You should join our facebook group "Seattle-area Quizzers" where we post annoucements/schedules on our quizzes. If this doesn't cut it for you, write to me again.
Sure parth sounds fair. Only problem being i am not on FB and detest joining it..can you update me about the quizzes to my email?
I would love to be part of the quiz group.
@OM: Glad to know you are keen on joining. However, it'll be an impractical solution for me to keep updating you every time there's a quiz. Are you with Microsoft? We send similar notifications to some internal distribution lists. I could advise you on that.
hmm so you gonna make me join FB, eh? lol!!
I am on orkut, if that helps :-) you can create an event there too..
Nah man i am not from MS..we will figure out a way..
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